
Twitter Marketing – Part 2

  • Published: September 4, 2019
  • Updated: September 4, 2019

We need to increase our followers. Since you are not a public figure or celebrity, no one will follow you.

Method 1 – Hashtag

Many people use hashtags when someone posts. For example: #SayNoToXenophobia, #TuesdayThoughts etc. are used. So that posts can be found by searching this tag. When you post, you will see a menu on the right-hand side called ‘Worldwide trends.’ Today’s trending tags are given here. You can add these tags after writing. So if someone searches for trending tags, then the chances of reading your tweets increase in front of them 🙂 If they like your tweets, they can follow you. I can follow you as well.

Method 2 – Re-tweet and comment

Since you are following various famous people, their tweets will show on your home page. Here you can comment or re-tweet. We Bengalis go here and give direct service or fiver gig link. Which is spam! This is very disturbing, and our country is getting smaller compared to other countries! 🙁

ধরুন, ট্রাম্প একটা টুইট করলেন যে , মেক্সিকো সীমান্তে উনি আগামী সপ্তাহে দেওয়াল বানানো শুরু করে দিবে। তাইলে অনেকেই এই বিষয়ের বিপক্ষে বা পক্ষে লেখবে। আপনিও পক্ষে বা বিপক্ষে লিখতে পারেন। এতে একপক্ষ আপনাকে বাহবা দিবে আর

Re-tweet and comment smartly. Read carefully before whoever tweets. Then re-tweet and comment for or against this topic.
I will write against or for this subject. You can also register for or against it. One party will praise you, and the other will write against you. Profit is yours! Since Trump is American, most people who will re-tweet and comment are also American. Those who are in favor of you will visit your profile and follow 😀 And those who disagree also have a chance to see.

Method 3 – Post about dogs and cats!

It sounds funny, but it is advantageous. European – American people love dogs and cats very much. Sometimes dogs and cats are more valuable to them than humans. You can tweet different funny pictures or videos about dogs and cats. Then many people will follow you and visit your profile 🙂