Fiverr is currently a trendy marketplace for freelancing work. Popular with both buyers and sellers. The demand is increasing day by day. As it is relatively easy and more in-market than other marketplaces, many newcomers are interested in making money through Fiverr after learning the work. It is seen that some are getting a lot of jobs, and some are not getting jobs. So, where is the problem? The main problem is that newcomers create a gig as soon as they open an account and share it through various social media!
Gig share is nothing to blame. Fiverr itself says to share your Gig on different social media (although the profit is higher Fiverr: P. I’ll explain later.). Suppose you have a clothing store. More than half of the shops are empty, and the decoration is not good. You started your store promotion without noticing this! Some customers will come. Come and see if your shop is almost empty. Imagine yourself in place of customers. Will you stay out of the store or not? I leave the decision in your hands π
Now suppose you made a Fiverr gig but didn’t write much. Nothing is written about whether you can work or work samples or why the buyer will choose you. Then why would the buyer order you? It has thousands of gigs like the service you provide. The buyer has more options. There are no clothes when you look in the store. Then surely do not go to the next store? It must be!
No matter how much you market or share the Gig. Nothing will have happened unless you professionally arrange your Gig. So do you have to hire a professional? No brother, you can do it yourself. You have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. You will try to show how to arrange a professional quality gig step by step.
I will show you how to create a gig of ‘WordPress Landing Page’ as an example in this post. Almost all gigs have the same options. Seeing a gig made, I hope you can understand how to make the rest of the Gig.
There is nothing to hurry. Think cold head. Think about what the buyer will search for. Think of you in the buyer’s place. There is more opportunity to explore by typing ‘landing page’. Search by typing. Indeed a lot of gigs are in front of you. If you search with this name, there are thousands of gigs. But how many are in front of you? 48 gigs! Why are these different? Indeed there is a reason? We try to figure out the cause. Note that their chances of getting a job are much higher for those with Gig on the first page. Of those whose reviews are above 70-80, keep 8-10 gigs open in new tabs. Start playing now π
Gig Title: You have to give the gig title first when creating a gig. You can use a maximum of 70 characters in the title. Then see which words are shared and used by many in other similar gigs. Keep the famous words separate. As a result, you got a lot of famous words. Now you can create a title of your own by arranging these words beautifully.
Category, service type, and metadata: these are the gigs you can take the idea and select the ones you can give yourself.
Search Tags: This is very important. Write what the buyer can search for. Keep the tags separate from all the gigs, just like the title. Then add the ones that are popular and used more.
Price Package: Usually, one of three packages can be kept here. It is best to use three packages. You can get ideas by looking at other gigs. You can control it slightly lower than the regular price if you are new. But do not keep too low. This destroys the market. And those who want to give work pay more attention to quality than price. When pricing, there is a gap between one package and another. Suppose you buy a shirt for 50 rupees, 2 rupees for 60 rupees and 3 rupees for 100 rupees. So that buyers are interested in ordering large packages.
Extra service: Here, you can add some differences besides regular service. Such as delivery within 12 hours or any other benefit. These will make your Gig more attractive.
Description: This is one of the main places of Gig. Here you can describe your Gig in 1200 characters. It can be divided into several parts. You can start by saying hi/hello first. You can give some description in the 2/1 lineβno need to write more. The more you write about yourself, the more annoying it becomes. Instead, focus on what the buyer will gain if you order this Gig. You will try to give him in the form of a list of what benefits you will provide him with. Besides, if you have your portfolio, you can share the link here. The writing of the description should be written excitingly. And try to keep all the common questions of the buyer in your report. You can get ideas from here that Gig Gula has opened. Whatever you do, don’t forget to copy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Here are some common questions and answers. For example, those who work with WordPress need login info. Those who work with logos work in some formats etc. Try to get the buyer to answer the common question from here.
Gig Gallery: Here you can give three types of files. We try to understand one by one.
- Gig Photos: Here, you can give Gig related photos. You can file in JPG / PNG format. The size will be 550×360 pixels. You can put a maximum of 3 pictures here. Try to make the photos as attractive as you can. If you do not know Photoshop, there are many online sites to take pictures.
- Gig Video: You can make a video if you want. He made a selfie video. You can make your description, job description, etc., beautiful. The video should not exceed a maximum of 75 seconds and 50 MB.
- Gig PDF: You can make a PDF of your job description, job samples and much more.
Don’t worry. A good gig will help you get a lot of work. You don’t need to do much marketing. Much more will be added upfront in this post.
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