
Twitter Marketing – Part 1

  • Published: September 3, 2019
  • Updated: September 3, 2019

At present, there is no substitute for marketing for success. Marketing is essential no matter what profession you are in. Especially online marketing. And for this, Twitter can be an excellent platform for online marketing. The most significant advantage of Twitter is that there are no fake accounts. World-famous stars including Trump, Barack Obama, Lionel Messi, Ronaldo manage their accounts. It is not possible to open hundreds of accounts with the same name as Facebook. I like this feature the most.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a micro-blogging website. Much like Facebook. You can express your thoughts in 140 characters. Can share pictures, videos. You can follow others. It has some advantages.

How do I open an account?

You can open it with your phone number or email. However, it is better to open it by email. And keep in mind to use a common username and profile picture. Try to keep this username and profile picture in your other social accounts.

How to arrange a profile?

প্রোফাইল পিকচারের পাশাপাশি একটি সুন্দর কভার খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। কভার ফটোতে আপনার স্কিল লিস্ট, ফোন, ইমেইল ইত্যাদি

A beautiful cover along with a profile picture is essential. You can give your skill list, phone, email, etc.
Give a nice description so that anyone gets an idea about you.

Who will I follow?

Friend requests cannot be sent here like on Facebook. You can follow. Another exciting feature is that those valid users are marked in blue next to their names. Check it out before you follow anyone. Since your purpose is marketing, follow those who have a lot of popularity and many followers worldwide. For example, politicians, players, movie stars, magazines, various brands like Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, etc. Caution: Do not follow too much in one day. Otherwise, Twitter may ban your account as spam.

Twitter menu:

Home: This is like the news feeds of Facebook; the tweets of the people you will follow can be seen here. What is called status on Facebook is called a tweet on Twitter.

Explore: Trending or popular tweets can be seen here.

Notifications: If someone here follows you, likes, tweets, retweets (like Facebook’s comments), etc., will show up here.

Message: Like Facebook message option.

Bookmark: Lots of tweets all the time. If you wish, you can bookmark your favorite tweets for later reading.

Profile: Like many Facebook profiles, all your tweets are submitted here, and where you retweet or like, etc., is shown here.

If you know these things, you can easily use Twitter.