Free HTML Templates
10 Best Free Portfolio HTML Website Templates In 2024

Discover the top 10 free portfolio HTML website templates for 2024. Crafted to showcase your work effectively, these templates offer modern designs and functionalities.

How to Increase WordPress Memory Limit – 5 Ways

Sites built with WordPress often show memory limits when uploading large files. How we can quickly increase the memory limit will be discussed in detail in this post.

Free HTML Templates
FREE HTML5 Responsive Business Templates

It’s a modern and creative html5 template with bootstrap framework. It has clean code and well commented. Also very easy to customize.

Udemy (Paid)
Bootstrap 5 | Complete Guide with 4 Real World Projects

This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of the world’s most popular front-end framework Bootstrap 5.2. let’s be Master of Bootstrap.

Instructory (Paid)
PHP & MySQL with Projects (Bangla)

পিএইচপি ( PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor ) একটা সার্ভার সাইড স্ক্রিপ্টিং ল্যাংগুয়েজ যেটা মূলত ওয়েব ডেভেলপেমেন্টের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। এই প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাংগুয়েজটির উদ্দেশ্য হল ওয়েব পেজ দ্রুত তৈরী করা ডাইনামিকালি।

Udemy (Paid)
WordPress & Elementor Bundled Course : 2 Courses Included

In This Course, you will be learning how you can build a personal portfolio & Business website from basic to advanced with responsive for beginners.

YouTube (English)
Restaurant Menu using Html, Css & FlexBox with Responsive

In this video you will learn how make a Restaurant Menu using Html, Css & FlexBox with Responsive. this video for absolute beginners. let’s start

Udemy (Paid)
CSS Flexbox | Basic to Advanced with Responsive Project

In this course, you will learn about all the features and properties of Flexbox and how to use them! We will take a hands-on approach to discovering all features.

Instructory (Paid)
Elementor Widget Development with Projects

বর্তমান সময়ের অন্যতম জনপ্রিয় ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস পেজ বিল্ডার হচ্ছে Elementor। এর সাহায্যে সহজেই Drag n Drop করে ওয়েবসাইট তৈরি করতে পারেন কোন কোডিং জ্ঞান ছাড়াই।

Travel Tips That Will Help You Travel Like a Pro in 2022
Travel Tips That Will Help You Travel Like a Pro in 2024

1. Use a small backpack/suitcase. Try using smaller backpacks. Then it will be lighter weight and will help to avoid carrying more unnecessary items. When the backpack/suitcase gets more extensive, you will take a lot of unnecessary things, which will give you a lot of trouble later. 2. Learn the primary language in the local […]

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